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Project Timeline

Project Timeline: Text

An Idea Is Born

After figuring out the problem I wanted to tackle, I thought of an idea and discussed it with Mr. Hunter

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Fleshing It Out

I received some guiding questions and advice from my peers

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Trying Things Out

Arduino and coding are unfamiliar territory at this point, so I eased into things with Circuit Playground, a more familiar device and interface

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Trying Things Out (pt. 2)

I had some successes with Circuit Express in class, while I worked on learning to code (C++) on my own time

Project Timeline: Video

Signal Goes Bad

Circuit Express finds its end within the project once I learn it can only communicate through weak IR signals. For the time being, I switched to micro:bit, which actually gave lots of inspiration for the user-interface aspect of the project

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Figuring Out Arduino

While I set up micro:bits for the first prototype of the project, I also began messing around with Arduino, which I wanted to fully convert to as soon as I could.

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Figuring Out Arduino 
(pt. 2)

I successfully set up an Arduino-based heart-rate sensor, which would be a part of the first prototype for Professional Review Night

Project Timeline: Video
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Professional Review Night

I presented my first prototype to a group of professional reviewers, who offered me tons of guidance through great questions and advice

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me talking.jpg

Professional Review Night (pt. 2)

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Professional Review Night (pt. 3)

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Making The Switch

After the Professional Review Night, I continued on with my plan to make the switch to Arduino. I had learned a bit of coding, and had my hands on all the materials, so at that point, I just had to grind at it. I first got to work on the accelerometer

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Exploring IoT

During the Professional Review Night, the biggest focus of the reviewers revolved around presenting the data my project collected with users. I researched how I'd be able to do this, and stumbled upon different IoT softwares, eventually landing on Blynk

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Upgrades, People

After researching what would be best for my project at that point, I ordered different sensors, which were more powerful and had more functions than the last ones. After receiving them and setting them up for the project by soldering and wiring, I began work on the Arduino codes

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Trial and Error

Writing code for the new sensors and creating and then connecting with an interface using Blynk was hard, and took the longest time during the project. I encountered countless error codes, messed up libraries, and more, but I kept at it and tackled these issues one-by-one

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"I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work"

Thomas Edison

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Finally!... Now do it all again.

Eventually, I got Blynk to work and found that it would be perfect for what I was trying to do. However, I established this connection via USB, which was not only insanely difficult to do with Arduino, but wasn't even wireless, like how I wanted it to be. I had to order an Arduino Uno WiFi REV2 board and then get that to work, which was a whole other beast

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Baby Steps

After getting the WiFi Board, I had to do a lot of editing of libraries to get codes to work due to hardware differences. Then, I had to set up Blynk for a WiFi connection, which took a while, but I eventually figured out

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Grind Time

With the STEAM Expo quickly approaching, I took the opportunity of a long weekend to grind out the final coding parts of the project. After spending hours upon hours testing things out and making the code better, I reached a satisfactory point

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The Final Countdown

With the Expo just days away and all the project components working well, all I had left to do was get the wiring of the 2nd prototype in check. After a couple hectic hours and some help from Mr. Hunter, everything was now in place

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The Final Countdown (pt. 2)

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All my work culminated to the night of the STEAM Expo, where I shared my project with countless people

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STEAM Expo (pt. 2)

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Steam EXPO (pt. 3)

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STEAM Expo (pt. 4)

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